Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

The Most Famous Painting in the World

Mona Lisa Painting

"Mona Lisa" is a world-famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci, an artist and inventor whose career stood out in the Renaissance period. Early in the 16th century the masterpiece was created and portrays a woman with an enigmatic smile and gaze. Although the name "Mona Lisa" has become the painting's moniker, it also had an Italian title, "La Gioconda."

The "Mona Lisa", without a doubt, is one of the most known paintings and truly can be called a masterpiece of the Renaissance timeframe. It is known for its subtle and mysterious beauty and Da Vinci's masterful use of perspective and light. Most notably, the painting is recognized for the woman's smile, which has been the subject of many interpretations and opinions over the years.

There are many theories about why Da Vinci painted the "Mona Lisa" and what the woman symbolizes. Many believe the subject to be Lisa del Giocondo, the wife of a high-class merchant from Florence, whose husband commissioned it as a gift. Oddly, others believe the painting is a self-portrait of Da Vinci himself or possibly a representation of the ideal woman. Whatever the true meaning of the painting, it has come to be seen as a symbol of beauty, mystery, and art itself.

The "Mona Lisa" is an art piece that has enthralled people for centuries. Its popularity and iconic status make it a timeless and cherished painting from the Renaissance period. Its enigmatic beauty and subtle use of perspective and light make it a viewing pleasure.

About the "Mona Lisa" Painting

Painting Name Mona Lisa
Artist Leonardo da Vinci
Paint Type Oil on Poplar Panel
Year Completed Exact Year not knowm, approximately 1515
Painting Period(s) Renaissance
Location it was Painted Florence Italy
Where it is Now The Louvre Museum, France
What it's Worth Now Estimated at between $800 miliion and $1 billion
Interesting Facts
  • Mona Lisa is only 30 in x 21 in.
  • Mona Lisa was stolen in 1911 and finally returned in 1913.
  • According to French Heritage Law, Mona Lisa can not be sold, as she belongs to the public.