The Artist Leonardo da Vinci

The Renaissance Man

Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance artist, inventor, and scientist, considered one of history's most brilliant and creative minds. Born on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, near Florence, Italy, he was the illegitimate son of his father Ser Piero da Vinci, a notary, and his mother, Caterina, a peasant woman.

Da Vinci was interested in art and science at an early age, and he received a well-rounded education that included various subjects, such as mathematics, anatomy, and engineering. His studies would directly lead to breakthroughs in many fields. As an apprentice for the artist Andrea del Verrocchio, he quickly developed a reputation as a talented artist and inventor.

Da Vinci's style as a painter is best characterized by his clever use of perspective, light, and shadow. His most famous works include "The Last Supper" and the iconic "Mona Lisa." During his career as an inventor, he produced many designs and drawings for machines and other innovations ahead of their time.

On May 2, 1519, Da Vinci died at age 67, leaving behind a legacy that made a monumental impact on not only art, but also the fields of science and technology. Unlike many struggling artists of his time, Da Vinci was a highly successful artist and inventor during his lifetime, and his contemporaries greatly admired his work in all fields. Da Vinci is now considered one of our greatest artists and overall thinkers.

About Leonardo da Vinci

Birth Date April 15, 1452, Anchiano, Italy
Date Died May 2, 1519, Château du Clos Lucé, Amboise, France
Jobs Other Than Painting Inventor, which included aspects of engineering, Architect
Art Training He did not attend any formal art school, but studied art under Andrea del Verrocchio
Painting Period(s) Renaissance
Interesting Facts
  • Da Vinci interests were many. Science, Sculpting, Engineering all took his time. That's why there are only under 20 paintings attributed to him.
  • Music appears to have been part of his life as well. Writing music and singing took other time away from his painting.
  • Da Vinci started learning under Verrocchio at the early age of 15.

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