The Artist Vincent van Gogh

Among the most influential figures in the history of Western art

Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch-born post-impressionist painter, revolutionized how art lovers and critics viewed art. Van Gogh was born in Groot-Zundert, Netherlands, in 1853. Although his family instilled strong religious convictions in him and encouraged him to pursue a career in ministry, his love for art persevered, resulting in some of the most highly acclaimed paintings of the 19th century.

Early on in his artistic career, Vincent Van Gogh found inspiration in the works of the Dutch Masters, most notably Rembrandt. However, it was his move to Paris in 1886 that enabled him to immerse himself in the French Impressionist movement and expand his creative horizons. Through this exposure, he was able to cultivate his signature technique, characterized by vivid colors and thick, heavy brushstrokes. This method imbued his paintings with a remarkable sense of depth, giving the impression that the subjects were alive and pulsing with energy. Today, we refer to this style as "Impasto brushwork."

While it cannot be definitively proven, past research has suggested that Vincent van Gogh's unconventional use of color in his paintings may have been influenced by color blindness. Along with this ailment, van Gogh is thought to have grappled with both epilepsy and bipolar disorder, which would eventually lead him to seek treatment at a mental institution for a period of one year.

Despite these mental challenges he faced throughout his life, he produced an extraordinary body of work that has made him one of the most celebrated artists in history. But his contributions didn't stop with his paintings. His influence on the Fauvism and Expressionism movements was just as paramount. Although his paintings did not make Van Gogh a wealthy man while alive, his legacy far outweighed his lack of financial return.

That legacuy includes over 2000 art pieces, including his most famous series, "Sunflowers" and "Starry Nights", which have become enthusiasts favorite collections.

About Vincent Van Gogh

Birth Date March 30, 1853 in Groot-Zundert, Netherlands
Date Died July 29, 1890
Jobs Other Than Painting Draftsman, Salesman at an Art Dealer, Teacher, Missionary, Bookstore Clerk
Art Training He did not attend any formal art school. Van Gogh was self taught and essentially learned through years of practice.
Painting Period(s) Post Impresssionism, Modern Art
Interesting Facts
  • Van Gogh's only painting that he sold while he was alive is called "The Red Vineyard".
  • The popular story of him cutting his ear off for a woman was more likely a sword fight with an acquaintance.
  • He produced over 2,000 total pieces of art in just over 10 years, more than 800 paintings and 1,300 drawings and sketches.

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